
iOS 5 Battery life issues by Ron Olds

If you have recently upgraded to iOS 5 or purchased a new iPhone 4s, you may want to keep reading. Quite a few iOS 5 users have noticed that their battery life isn't quite as good as it was on iOS 4. It seems that location services may be to blame. Here are a few changes you can make to location services that helped me regain control of my battery. All settings for location services can be found by . . Tapping settings, then tap Location Services.

1. Disable location based reminders.

  • While this is a cool new feature of iOS 5, it requires a direct connection to your local nuclear reactor to sustain your battery life.

2. Disable Location based time zone switching.

  • There seems to be a bug with this service. I am guessing this will be resolved with a update in the near future.
  • This service can be disabled under Settings, Location Services, System Services.

I hope these settings will help, they seemed to help my iPhone 4s. If you have any other suggestions please feel free to leave a comment or send me a message via the Contact Me button.